Born Edgar John Berggren.
Date of birth : February 16, 1903, Chicago, Illinois.
Date of death : September 30, 1978, Las Vegas, Nevada. Buried in Inglewood, California.
* 1940 : 9876 Beverly Grove Drive, Los Angeles ()
* 1950 : 9876 Beverly Grove Drive, Los Angeles ().
Profession actor and ventriloquist.
Edgar Bergen and his puppets Charlie McCarthy and Mortimer Snerd had a lot of success in the 50's.
His parents John and Nellie were both born in Sweden ().
Registration card February 16, 1942
June 23, 1945 he married Lee Frances Westerman (September 14, 1922, Alabama-Octoober 2, 2006, Los
They had 3 children, Candice (born May 9, 1946, Los Angeles) and Kris (born October 12, 1961, Los Angeles).
They also had a son, premature dead on February 1st, 1952 ().
Link with Marilyn
Contract dated October 7,1952 ,
Rehearsals (between October 7 and 18)
Broadcasting at the NBC studio, October 18, 1952 ,
The show was aired on October 26. The puppet asked Marilyn to marry him. Which she agreed.
Marilyn came back to the show on November 9, to marry Charlie McCarthy