Location 6363 Santa Monica Boulevard, and 933, 955 and
959 Seward Street, Hollywood
It was one of the many laboratories which develpped the prints of the day (rushes or screen-tests).
It was some preliminary scenes tapes which were showed to the producers, directors and company heads, the morning after the day of shooting.
Gladys Baker worked there as film cutter since 1923 ().
Six days a week she cut films on the directors instructions before giving them to the montage workshop which manufactured definitive negatives.
She worked there whe she was pregnant of Norma Jeane.
One of the alleged father of Norma Jeane was Stanley Gifford, one of Gladys colleague.On October 24, 1929, a fire destroyed the whole buildong. One person died and it cost $6 milliosn in damage
The Consolidated Film Industries, merged with the Bennett Films Lab, not far from Santa Monica Boulevard.
The new location of the studio needed 2 trolley changes and it was more than what she could afford.