Location 4
Penn Plaza, New York City.
Marilyn's first appearance in this mythical place took place on March 30, 1955, for a party organized by Mike Todd and his circus, to the benefit of the Arthritis and Rheumatismal Affections Foundation.
Presentation of the party February 27, 1955
Costume test at Brooks
Pre-circus performance for arthritis victim, March 22, 1955
On March 30, 1955, welcomed by 18 000 people and Milton Berle who was the Master of Ceremony, she made a triumphant entrance riding a pink elephant named Karnaudi, which belonged to the Ringling Brothers Circus
Riding the elephant
Joe DiMaggio ,-
Clothes ,
Her second appearance took place on May 19, 1962, for John Kennedy's birthday party. This party was also bound to collect some funds to finance the presidential campaign, and 17 000 Democrat supporters attended, and also many stars.
Marilyn, like the others, had paid a 1 000$ ticket ;,
on stage
with Richard Adler
with Pat Newcomb ,,,,,
John Kennedy
in the car
with Pat Newcomb
On stage
with Peter Lawford
other people
With Maria Callas
With Isadore Miller
-,-,-,,,;,-,-At the Athletic Department of the Madison Square Garden
At the party given at Arthur Krim's house, after the show