Ernestine Jane Geraldine Russell.
Date of birth : June 21, 1921, Bemidji, Minnesota.
Date of death : February 28, 2011, Santa Maria, California.
Profession actress.
She married 3 times.
* With Robert Stanton "Bob" Waterfield (July 26, 1920, New York-March 25, 1983, California) on April 24, 1943.
He was a football player, playing in the national league (,
They adopted 3 children : Tracy in February 1952, Thomas in December 1952 () and Robert John in 1956.
They divorced on July 30, 1968.
* With Roger Wyatt Barrett (April 8, 1921, California-November 18, 1968, California) on August 25, 1968
Her husband died suddenly 2 months later on November 18, 1968 ().
* With John Calvin Peoples (July 14, 1928, Texas-Apri l 9, 1999, California) on Januaary 31, 1974, until his
In 1955, she founded the WAIF (Women's Adoption International Fund), an association which placed the
abandoned children in homes ,
Link with Marilyn
They met during the production of "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", in 1953, Marilyn asked her some advices about the fact to live with an athlete. At that time, Marilyn dated Joe DiMaggio.
Shooting of "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", with Howard Hawks -
On May 13, 1953, she attended the party given by Walter Winchell, at Ciro's, in Louella Parsons' honor
On June 17, 1953, she attended the "Rib & Roast Dinner" for Charles Coburn's birthday, at the Masquers Club
to which Coburn was member ,
On June 26, 1953, Marilyn and Jane Russell left their prints on Hollywood Boulevard, in front of the Grauman's Chinese Theater