Payne Whitney Psychiatric Hospital
Address 525 East 68th Street, New York City.
In 1961, after her divorce and the unfavorable welcome of "The Misfits", and on Marianne Kris advices, Marilyn entered this hospital on February 10, 1961, in the psychiatric department.
Far from finding an environment favorable to recovery, she was placed in a security wing. Her depression became worse because her biggest anxiety came true : she was locked up for a mental illness, like her mother and grand-mother.
She wrote a letter to the Strasbergs
"Dr Kris has had me put into the New York Hospital - psychiatric division under the care of two idiot doctors - they both should not be my doctors. (...) I'm locked up with all these poor nutty people. I'm sure to end up a nut if I stay in this nightmare - please help me Lee. (..) I do not belong here. (..) I love you both. Marilyn
P.S. : I'm on the dangerous floor its like a cell. (..) they had the bathroom door locked so I broke the glass and outside of that I haven't done anything that is uncooperative".
The Strasbergs couldn't get her outside; so they contacted Joe DiMaggio
who rushed to her aid. When the hospital administration stated that it
needed Dr Kris permission to allow her out, he would have threatened
the doctor, saying that if Marilyn wasn't released the next evening, he
"would remove the hospital stone by stone".
When she was hospitalized at the Columbia University Hospital, Marilyn wrote to Dr Greenson :
"There was no empathy at Payne-Whitney - it had a very bad effect - they asked me after putting me in a "cell" (I mean cement blocks and all) for very disturbed depressed patients (except I felt I was in some kind of prison for a crime I hadn't comitted. The inhumanity there I found archaic. They asked me why I wasn't happy there (everything was under lock and key : things like electric lights, dresser draws, bathrooms, closets, bars concealed on the windows - the doors have windows so patients can be visible all the time, also, the violence markings still remain on the walls from former patients). I answered : Well, I 'd have to be nuts if I like it there".