HAAS Ernst
Date of birth : March 2, 1921, Vienna, Austria.
Date of death : September 12, 1986, New York.
From 1951 to 1962 he was married with the Countess Antoinette Von Wenckheim (April 13, 1924,
Slovakia-January 31, 2015, Switzerland)().
In 1962 he married Cynthia Buehr Seneque (born on September 21, 1927, New York)().
They had 2 children, Alexander (born in 1963) and Victoria (born in 1964).
They divorced in 1965.
Since 1969 he lived with his last companion Gisela Minke (September 14, 1939, Germany-June 19, 2021,
His pictures taken after the Second World War, largely spread, brought him Robert Capa's admiration, who
invited him to join the Magnum Agency ().
He worked for Life, Vogue and Géo magazines.
He became famous as photoreporter and for the use of color in photography.
He took the picture of the original "Marlboro Man", for a publicity campaign for cigarettes, and was still photographer on the sets of "Hello Dolly" (1969) and "Little Big Man" (1970).
Working for the Magnum Agency, he took pictures during the shooting of "The Misfits" (1961).Arthur Miller ,
white blousecherry dress
John Huston ;
Group pictures
Elliott Erwitt ,