LOGAN Joshua
Joshua Lockwood Logan, III.
Date of birth
: October 5, 1908, Texarkana, Texas.
Date of death : July 12, 1988, New York City (,).
Profession movie director. Broadway director, particularly known for "South Pacific" and "Mister Roberts".
He had spent 8 months when he was a student, with the Russian director Konstantin Stanislavski.
He married Barbara O'Neil (July 17, 1910, Missouri-September 3, 1980, Connecticut ) on
They divorced in 1942.
In 1945 he married Grace "Nedda" Harrigan (August 24, 1899, New York-April 1st, 1989, New York
), daughter of actor Ned Harrigan and actress herself ().
They had 2 children Thomas Heggen (born in 1950) and Susan Harrigan ().
Link with Marilyn
He directed Susan Strasberg in "Picnic"
(1956) (another play of William Inge, author of "Bus Stop") when he was contacted by Lew Wasserman, Marilyn's agent, to direct her in "Bus Stop" (1956), her first movie after her break up with the Fox.
On October 5, 1955, at the party following the premiere of "The Diary of Anne Frank" with Susan Strasberg
Logan was reluctant and had doubts about her actress talent but his friend Lee Strasberg reassured him.
Well-known for his ability to direct "sensitives" actors (he had made, himself, a nervous breakdown), he knew how to deal with Marilyn.
He knew Stanislavski and his Method quite well, and from a theoretical point of view, he was on the same wavelength than her.
March 12, 1956, at the Fox
March 15, 1956, Marilyn arriving in Phoenix
March 1956, at "The Ram" restaurant, Idaho, during the shooting of "Bus Stop", actor Arthur O'Connell's birthday celebration
Pictures of the shooting
Green blouse
off set
This exceptional relation free from any conflict between Marilyn and him, went on during the whole shooting. But Marilyn's anger burst when she saw the movie after the film editing; she thought that Logan had cut her best moments. Later she would say that she was convinced that, this way, he had compromised her chances of being nominated to the Academy Awards.
He sang praises of Marilyn more than any other director.On March 13, 1961, he attended, along with Marilyn, a party to the benefit of the Actors Studio, at the
Roseland Dance City, in New York -,,,