Born Charles Kenneth Gould.
Date of birth : April 26, 1905, New York City.
Date of death : May 25, 1968, Beverly Hills, California ().
* 1920 : 11 East 22nd Street, Bayonne, New Jersey
* 1930 : 1814 North Kinglsey Drive, Los Angeles
* 1940 : 711 North Palm Drive, Los Angeles
2 000 Coldwater Canyon
Drive, Beverly Hills
Profession influential jurist in Hollywood; agent and producer at the Feldman Famous Artists Agency.
His parents died young, both from cancer, and he was orphan at age 6.At age 7, he was adopted by Samuel and Bertha Feldman, living in New Jersey
Then the family settled in California ().
He married Jean Howard on August 25, 1934 (),
actress and well-known photographer. They divorced in 1946.
He married hi second wife Clotilde Barot (born in 1942)() on April 14, 1968, shortly before his death from a lightning cancer.
He was a great collector of paintings, furniture, English antiquities, modern creations; he owned paintings of Chagall, Renoir and Toulouse-Lautrec, and also bronze Buddhas, heads in Ming and Sui stone, horses and Tang and Chou birds.
Among others, he produced the movie of Elia
Kazan "A Streetcar Named Desire" at the beginning of the 50's.
Kazan was accompanied by Marilyn and that's how she met her future agent who would negociate her second contract at the Fox studio.
In 1953, his colleague Hugh French, took care of the separation between Marilyn and
In December 1953 he was in Switzerland at Jean Howard's bedside, his ex-wife, who had just had an important surgery.
At the end of 1953 Marilyn signed a contract with him after the end of her contract with the William Morris agency.
In 1954 he co-produced with Billy Wilder "The Seven Year Itch"
) and took some parts in "The Big Sleep" (1946), "A Streetcar Named Desire"(1951),"What's New Pussycat?" (1965).
He organized the huge party given in Marilyn's celebration at Romanoff's, the popular restaurant, on November 6, 1954; the presence of the whole Hollywood, gathered for her, was surely particularly pleasant, at a time where she lived big upheavals (divorce with DiMaggio and problems with the Fox studios)
Feldman's ability to do many things at the same time had certainly rushed Marilyn's decision to be represented elswhere : Feldman's agency, which almost only worked with the the Fox, didn't necessarily defend Marilyn's interests when she fought for the revision of her contract.
Milton Greene her new associate of the Marilyn Monroe Productions, suggested her to give Feldman up and to join the MCA.
The break-up of her contract forced her to pay off the advance of 23
000$ that Feldman had payed her to cover the costs caused by the search
of a new contract, Natasha Lytess salary and other professional needs.
Feldman took 5 years to recover the sum.
1957, in Monaco with Howard Hawkes and his wife Del, and his sa protégée Germaine Lefèvre aka Capucine :
Other picture