HYDE Johnny
Date of birth : April 23, 1895, Russia.
Date of death : December 18, 1950, at the Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, Los Angeles
* 1917 : 775 Elmwood avenue, Buffalo, New York.
* 1943 : 3311 Wonderview Place, Hollywood.
* 718 North Palm Drive, Beverly Hills ,
Profession juggler and acrobat, he became artistic agent; vice president of the William Morris, one of the biggest Hollywood agencies.
Born in Russia from Nicholas Hyde (born in 1862, Russia-died between 1920 and 1930) and Rosa Baer Chudensky (born in 1868, Russia).
Coming from the best acrobats family, the Nicholas Haidabura Imperial Russian Troupe.
He spent his first years in Russia and emigrated to the USA in 1899.
Registration Card dated June 5, 1917
He became the agent of Betty Hutton, Bob Hope, Rita Hayworth, Lana Turner, Mickey Rooney, Amos and Andy, Mae West. He ran with an iron grip the best Hollywood agency.
On June 22, 1916 he married Florence E.Harper (born in 1898, Pennsylvania) in New York. They had 3 sons, Donald C. (August 6, 1917, Pennsylvania-January 21, 1980, Los Angeles), Robert Hyde (died at birth on January 19, 1919) and Jay Howard (born in 1923).
On September 13, 1943, he married Mozelle Cravens (April 8, 1920-June 23, 2004, California), an actress
He met Marilyn during the New Year's Eve party on December 31, 1948, which took place at producer Sam
Spiegel's house ,
New Year's Eve 1949 at the Racquet Club
During the year 1950 he left his wife, Mozelle Cravens Hyde
(actress for Republic Pictures).
He made install leather wall seats in the house of North
Palm Drive where he lived with Marilyn; the dining-room had its own dance floor and Marilyn said that this room was her own Romanoff.
He sent Marilyn to Dr Michael Gurdin, who retouched her nose and chin; he made her dye her hair in platinum blonde, ride up the start of her hair and repair a small dental imperfection.
He provided her a new wardrobe and she was, from then on, seen at his arm in every fashion places.
On July 27, 1950, they attended a party at the Beverly Hills Hotel Crystal Room : .
He bought back the contract which linked her to her first agent, Harry Lipton, leaving him a low percentage on the takings, and devoted himself body and soul to Marilyn, to change her in a movie star.
He sought his relations to make her obtain the parts she needed. He convinced Lester Cowan to engage her in his movie with the Marx Brothers "Love Happy"; he organized an audition at the Fox, which gave her a small part in "A Ticket to Tomahawk" (1950). Then he obtained what he wanted above all, a part, small but perfect in "The Asphalt Jungle" of John Huston (1950). He organized a screen-test with the Fox for "Cold Shoulder".
On December 17, 1950, he was stroke by a heart attack, while he was at the
He died the next day, December 18, 1950, at the Cedars of Lebanon Hospital.
Then Marilyn was banished from the house they've lived in together, and
the Hyde family took the clothes and the jewels he had offered to her
back. Even he had informed his lawyers about his wish to leave her one
third of his private property to Marilyn, he hadn't changed his will
and she didn't receive anything.
Although the family had forbidden her to attend the funeral, she was there with