Party at El Morocco with the writer Truman Capote (,,). He celebrated the end of the representations of his play "House of Flowers".
Leaving the Actors Studio (,,,).
Wednesday, June 1, premiere of "The Seven Year Itch" at the Loew's State Theater
Joe DiMaggio accompanied her (,,,,
This evening, Marilyn also celebrated her birthday at the following party at the Toot's Shor (,
Friday, June 3, official release of "The Seven Year Itch" (,,
Tuesday, June 7, she went to view the play "Damn Yankees" (,,).
Monday, June 27, she went to view the play "Inherit the Wind" at the Broadway National Theater
At Richard Rodgers', one of the Greene's neighbours in Weston (,,
Coney Island ,,
She spent some time with Norman and Hedda Rosten (, at their home in New York City
or in Long Island (,,).
With Norma Rosten she went to the White Barn Theater, Westport (,).
Picture sessions with Milton in Weston (,,).